Use "sneer|sneered|sneering|sneers" in a sentence

1. Notice how she sneers at you.

2. He said with a sneer.

3. What are you sneering at?

4. He is always sneering at me.

5. They sneered at her, baring their tiny incisors.

6. A synonym for Contumelious is sneering.

7. He's always sneering at my suggestions.

8. "Make it quick, Branchling!" Another one sneered.

9. 22 He sneered at people who liked pop music.

10. Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace.

11. She glanced at him with a sneering expression.

12. Crucified Buttonbur cyclospondylous frictionlessly steel-green parfield grooverhead sneered

13. The old sorceress slunk in with a sneering smile.

14. I hate him . He's a drawling, sneering beast.

15. After witnessing the sneers of the Monseigneur and the Bruskness of Stryver, Darnay reflects

16. I don't like that superior, sneering tone of his.

17. The fickle and lascivious woman was sneered at by people.

18. Their loud Blusterings and their constant sneers, are the index of real fear.

19. The sneer had turned into a lump in his throat.

20. However sneered the girl, " You are ingratiate me! What you mean? "

21. In addition to looking peeved, they also trotted out those sneers of disgust.

22. He'll be sneering as he throws you into his forge.

23. This last with a sneering ring of triumph in it.

24. As she read the letter,(Sentence dictionary) she started to sneer.

25. The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at.

26. He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.

27. He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer.

28. Soames smiled a sneering smile, and said, " I wish you luck! "

29. The Chattering classes love nothing more than sneering at our elected politicians

30. The ladies'servant stood apart, with a sneering expression on his face.

31. 11 He sneers at the arguments against it: self-sufficiency and the tired old cultural card.

32. 26 Once in a while, she seemed to sneer and made a grimace of revulsion.

33. He was not yet certain that the grim, sneering stranger was his father.

34. A sneer is the weapon of the weak. James Russell Lowell 

35. 23 Once in a while, she seemed to sneer and made a grimace of revulsion.

36. But now it sits scowling outside the conversation of humankind, offering expert opinion with a sneer.

37. She gave him a sideways glance, with a sneering look on her face.

38. Synonyms: sceptical, mocking, ironic, sneering More Synonyms of Cynical Cynically adverb [ADVERB with verb]

39. That sneering young cub got taken down a peg or two on that occasion.

40. Once in a while, she seemed to sneer and made a grimace of revulsion.

41. (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) His lip Curled in a swift sneer.

42. Was my wife comforted before her execution while this collaborator and his pirate masters sneered?

43. 23 He was so cynical that he sneered at everything that made life worth living.

44. The verses were copied out , handed about , sneered at, admired, passed from coterie to coterie.

45. Hillary Clinton sneered at a llama that some one brought to a rally in Pennsylvania.

46. The Prince smirked and Gaveston turned, for the first time acknowledging their presence with a condescending sneer.

47. “He sneered at him in contempt,” we read, “because he was just a ruddy and handsome boy.”

48. Do all the lords and ladies simper and bow, the ones who sneered at you for years?

49. The Times, in its imperious fashion, made a habit of sneering at Falls stunters.

50. 16 He makes cutting observations about racism and sexism and then, unfortunately, veers into lame sneer-along homophobia.

51. But other days are bleak; a cold, bloodless woman hovers nearby sneering derisively at me.

52. The first signs noted in baby pigs affected with this condition are sneering and sniffing.

53. The hip rediscovered black biker jackets and postured and sneered in them and wore them to class.

54. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away.

55. 11 But other days are bleak; a cold, bloodless woman hovers nearby sneering derisively at me.

56. All they want me to do is help them sneer at people who write wonderful books.

57. And the Pharisees, being lovers of money, heard all these things and were sneering at Him.

58. In time I learned to get my own back, sneering at hockey-players who couldn't spell.

59. For years physiognomy - the idea that a person's face is a reflection of his character - was sneered at.

60. Shen Cong - wen accomplished the sneering at urban world by the way of ironic narration strategy.

61. A half-paralysed white sneering fellow-rather handsome head, but eyes with a lot of lashes.

62. Verb (used without object) to become twisted, distorted, or strained: His face Contorted into a grotesque sneer.

63. He makes cutting observations about racism and sexism and then, unfortunately, veers into lame sneer-along homophobia.

64. "How much did you say you earned last year - was it fifteen thousand?" she said with a sneer.

65. 26 Associates introduced a new fund to invest in technology stocks amid sneers and snickers from analysts and rival fund groups.

66. There are no idiot dads acting like Bumbling lunkheads in front of their sneering, wisecracking wives and children

67. But then, with a shrug, he went back inside: this was hardly the time for sneering at pillars.

68. This childhood led me to a life of misanthropy; I walked the streets, sneering at humans to myself.

69. The contrast of tough Marco and sneering, weak Raymond, and their bonding as fellow Brainwashees, was emotional and meaningful

70. His speeches were hardened a little, but he wasn't much good at abuse or jokes or stridency or sneering.

71. The most bookish of pundits, George Will, was hired for the Anglophilic elegance of his sneers, not for logical mastery or historical depth

72. Synonyms for treat Contemptuously include poke fun at, deride, jeer at, scorn, sneer at, burlesque, lampoon, make jokes about, parody and pillory

73. I don't buy the view that Hogarth is sneering at lovers here or expressing Puritan fear of the flesh.

74. Some clients would sneer or smile sarcastically when I showed them my old laptop -- until they saw what it could do.

75. 42 When the Phi·lisʹtine looked and saw David, he sneered at him in contempt because he was just a ruddy and handsome boy.

76. Camp officials often made sneering remarks at him about his purple triangle, the insignia that identified a prisoner as a Witness.

77. This is the kind of high school where the students are multiethnic behemoths in their mid-30s who major in advanced sneering.

78. Abash definition, to destroy the self-confidence, poise, or self-possession of; disconcert; make ashamed or embarrassed: to Abash someone by sneering

79. At three a.m. she was Jay-in-love-with-Lucy, writing bad poetry or self-indulgent screeds of what daylight sneered at as a journal.

80. Their loud Blusterings and their constant sneers, are the index of real fear. Those who preach the cross of our Lord Jesus are the terror of modern thinkers